A Few Words About Me

Hello from New York City & Salt Lake City!

I started my overseas study in 2019 at the international summer school at PolyU @ HK, where I took elementary courses on artificial intelligence, and got a chance to play with AzureML. After that, I became an exchange student in my senior year at the department of computer science, TUM @ Germany, where I involved myself in both VLSI design and deep computer vision lab. The lab was kind of tough, with only four members that semester. I was assigned the task of multiple object tracking across cameras.

I successfully reproduced a paper in 2020, on Megvii’s challenge, and I am glad that I earned a few stars on GitHub. Reproduction is not just simply copying code from somewhere else, it’s also an experiment, assessment and deep understanding of the paper.

During my master’s study at Columbia, I joined the Kostic lab for a while with Prof. Zoran Kostic, on smart intersection topics, primarily focusing on unsupervised person and vehicle re-identification, as labeling is likely to be restricted by privacy. I expanded my experience further at NVIDIA Metropolis, during the following summer break, and my work was presented by Milind Naphade, CTO of Metropolis, at the GTC summit 2022. I will publish a self-research paper on mobile person re-identification solution soon.

I worked as a teaching assistant in the department of computer science and electrical engineering for three times. Mentoring makes me a better communicator and writer.

While AI is my area of interest all the time, I also dive into data science and full-stack development. I won a few top rankings in machine learning and data science challenges. In February, I won the best beginner hack @ Columbia Hack.

I have experience with API design, microservices on cloud, web crawler and streaming processing.

As a recall, I would like to list my technical stacks below:

Front-endBack-endAlgorithmCloud PlatformDatabase
HTML/CSS/JavaScript(Google Map API)Modern C/C++/CUDA/OpenCLOpenAI GymAmazon Web Service Lambda & BucketMySQL
DjangoPython FlaskTensorflow/Keras/Sklearn/PyTorchGoogle Cloud Platform & Big QuerySQLite
 Java(From Huawei)TensorRT/ONNXAirflowMongoDB
 matlab GitPostGreSql
 R AzureML 

Here I am in Manhattan, New York City!